Азийн хөгжлийн банк, Европын хөрөнгө оруулалтын банкны санхүүжилтээр НЗДТГ-ын хэрэгжүүлж буй “Улаанбаатар хотын гэр хорооллыг хөгжүүлэх, хөрөнгө оруулалтыг дэмжих хөтөлбөр”-ийн төсөл хэрэгжүүлэх нэгжид Барилгын инженер, Санхүүгийн ажилтан нээлттэй сонгон шалгаруулж авна.
Доорх ажлын зартай танилцаж, шаардлага хангасан хүн материалаа зааврын дагуу ирүүлнэ үү.
Vacancy Announcement
“ULAANBAATAR URBAN SERVICES AND GER AREAS DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT PROGRAM” Project is seeking a professional for the position of Civil Engineer. The selected candidate will directly report to the PMO Project Coordinator.
Contract: Full-time for one year with possible extension based on performance starting from January 2022.
Duties and responsibilities: The Civil Engineer will have the following duties (but are not limited to):
- Support the project coordinator to coordinate and prepare the implementation program for the project in all subcenters covering all planned infrastructure component of each subproject, to be further integrated by the PMO in the overall Program implementation plan.
- Coordinate with organizations responsible for operations of the completed works to conform that operating requirements are included in the designs and that training opportunities for operations personnel are included in the design and construction processes.
- Review subproject appraisal, detailed design options and calculation as well as tender documents being prepared by the engineering consultants.
- Assist the project coordinator and procurement expert to prepare tender documents for the selection of engineering consultants, provide inputs and amendments as needed.
- Assist the PMO in the process of prequalification of contractors, if applicable.
- Provide technical input as required for the preparation of bid evaluation reports.
- Prepare and monitor construction schedules, and provide overall supervision of construction and quality control on works.
- Ensure that all design and construction documents are consistent with national and international engineering standards for design and construction of water supply and sewerage networks, social buildings, roads and drainage networks, flood control and heating generation and distribution networks, and insure that all necessary government approvals are obtained by the engineering consultants, including technical conditions for the planned facilities.
- Supervise testing of materials and equipment.
- Review the equipment manufactures drawings and calculations to check arrangements for optimized operation and maintenance and verify compliance with contract specifications.
- Other duties assigned by the Project coordinator.
Essential requirements:
- Minimum 5 years’ experience working in the field of civil/construction engineering and construction supervision for development aid initiatives and/or development projects;
- Demonstrated capacity to work collegially and creatively within a team and with partners;
- Experience in Bilateral/Multilateral and – preferably -ADB funded projects;
- Excellent inter-personal skills, with experience working in cross cultural settings;
- Excellent skills in succinct and timely report preparation.
- High level of English and Mongolian proficiency (to be proven with relevant certificates (diplomas) and/or during the interview).
Deadline: The candidate should submit the following documents before 17 PM, 23 December 2021
- Curriculum vitae in English (using ADB format for individual consultants) and Mongolian, with recent photo taken within last 6 months;
- Copies of diplomas and relevant certificates;
- Copy of national citizenship ID;
- Copies of the Labor and Social Insurance books (first page and subsequent pages indicating the employment mobility);
- Reference or recommendation letters from current and/or previous employer; and
- Cover letter in English.
Vacancy Announcement
“ULAANBAATAR URBAN SERVICES AND GER AREAS DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT PROGRAM” project is seeking a professional for the position of Financial Specialist. The selected candidate will directly report to the PMO Project Coordinator.
Contract: Full-time for one year with possible extension based on performance starting from January, 2022.
Duties and responsibilities: The Financial specialist will have the following duties (but are not limited to):
- Maintain the program accounts.
- Have responsibility for compiling and preparing the program financial progress reports as required by ADB.
- Assist the financial experts prepare the annual work plan and budget.
- Assist in the periodical review of the program work plan and budget as needed.
- Review business plans prepared under the Housing Micro Finance Program for Ger areas and provide relevant comments to PMO.
- Assist the program director in updating of detailed cash flow projections.
- Monitor program expenditures, and prepare the quarterly and annual financial reports throughout the program.
- Consolidate monthly financial statements and requests for payment by contractors and service providers and assist the PMO in the process of approval for payment release.
Essential requirements:
- Minimum 3 years’ experience working in the field of accounting and financial management of development aid initiatives and/or development projects;
- Demonstrated capacity to work collegially and creatively within a team and with partners;
- Experience in Bilateral/Multilateral and – preferably -ADB funded projects;
- Excellent inter-personal skills, with experience working in cross cultural settings;
- Excellent skills in succinct and timely report preparation;
- High level of English and Mongolian proficiency (to be proven with relevant certificates (diplomas) and/or during the interview).
Deadline: The candidate should submit the following documents before 17 PM, 23 December 2021.
- Curriculum vitae in English (using ADB format for individual consultants) and Mongolian, with recent photo taken within last 6 months;
- Copies of diplomas and relevant certificates;
- Copy of national citizenship ID;
- Copies of the Labor and Social Insurance books (first page and subsequent pages indicating the employment mobility);
- Reference or recommendation letters from current and/or previous employer; and
- Cover letter in English.
Project Management Office
Attention to: Mr. A. Erkhembayar
Sukhbaatar district, Ulaanbaatar, Khoroo 8, Baga toiruu 1, Amar Street -2,Central cultural Palace – 407
Tel: 70003099